Explosion in Lankaran

İlkin ehtimala görə, hadisəyə səbəb maye qaz balonundan sızma olub

On the 4th of August at 07:25, an explosion took place near the Great Bazar in the Azerbaijani city of Lankaran, located 280 kilometers south of Baku not far from the border with Iran.

According to initial reports, the accident was caused by a leak from a liquid gas tank

71 square meters of a 250 square meter building burned entirely and the roof sustained serious damaged. Moreover, a telephone accessory store next to the building and a 55 square meter tea house also caught fire.

The exact reasons for the fire are being researched by the Ministry of Extreme Situations and the State Fire Service.

Three fire engines were summoned from Lankaran’s port section to help put out the fire.

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