Criminal Case Opened Against Former Department Head of Ministry of National Security
A new criminal case has been opened against the former head of the now – dissolved Department of Energy and Transportation of the Ministry of National Security, general Akif Chovdarov.
Evidence submitted in support of the accusations show that Akif Chovdarov, Salim Mammadov, Akif Aliyev and Orkhan Osmanov used state funds to purchase some 33 million 466 thousand manat’s worth of property, factories, fisheries, private houses and jewelry. This is the equivalent of a little more than 20 million 160 thousand US dollars.
According to information published by Qafqaz – Info, Akif Chovdarov is accused of embezzling state funds, which he claims were used to pay for the salaries and maintenance of agents of the State’s intelligence service. Akin Chovdarov is accused of having embezzled 2 million 917 thousand manat alone.
His lawyer, Sadiq Rasulov, stated that the accusation was “absurd”, and told Meydan TV that “when Akif Covdarov was served with these accusations, he said that they were the most illogical and absurd, and immediately denied the allegations against him. He based his denial on the fact that the finances in question are entirely confidential, given that they support the State’s network of national security agents. He further added that he knew exactly how much and to whom this money had been given. ‘I am a general, this is my work.’ he said. However, he stated that he would be unable to use this information in testimony, because it would destroy the network of agents operating within the country, and would give rise to scandals on an international level. For that reason, he was very surprised, and could not understand why he had been accused of such a crime.”
His lawyer reports that Chovdarov was ready to disclose the nature and amounts of the payments in question to the competent authorities.
Cigarette Prices Raise Again in Azerbaijan
Cigarette prices in Azerbaijan have risen again. Tobacco users have reported an increase of 25 – 30 percent in price, resulting in an additional 20 – 40 qepik on top of former cigarette prices.
Brands affected by the rising prices include: LD, Winchester, West, Sobranie, Kent, More, Yava, Viceroy, Rothmans, Classiv, P&S and Prima.
Youth Activist in Prison Prevented From Meeting With Family
Azerbaijani National Front Party member, Fuad Ahmadli, has been unable to see or speak with his family for the past 18 days. On September 2nd, he was transferred to Baku Investigative Detention Center No. 1. The youth activist’s lawyer, Asabeli Mustafayev, informed Meydan TV correspondents that it is illegal to deprive prisoners of the right to visitation and telephone communication.
Mustafayev was able to meet with his client on September 5th, and reported that his client is currently suffering from health issues. However, he does not have complaints on his holding conditions.
New Bill Proposes to Ban Religious Proselytizers From Public Spaces
A new bill submitted to the National Parliament proposes to ban the activities of religious proselytizers outside the territory of mosques and other religious establishments. Those in violation of the law, which includes the display of religious slogans and flags, will be fined. The bill will be discussed at the next meeting of the national parliament.
Brent Oil Prices Rise to 49 Dollars per Barrel
Brent oil prices have risen to 49 dollars a barrel. The reason for the price increase is attributed to an agreement signed by Russia and Saudia Arabia on the 5th of August, which will aim to stabilize world oil prices by limiting the output of supply onto the world market. This most recent hike in oil was a 5% bump in comparison to former prices.