Musavat and Az. Popular Front Party Evicted from Branch Offices in Sheki

Police officers and representatives of the Land Committe of Sheki demanded that Azerbaijani Popular Front Party (APFP) and Musavat Party (Az. Equality) vacate the premises of their party headquarters in Sheki this morning.

Police officers and representatives of the Land Committe of Sheki demanded that Azerbaijani Popular Front Party (APFP) and Musavat Party (

Az. Equality

) vacate the premises of their party headquarters in Sheki this morning.

Musavat Party Chairman Arif Hajili spoke with Meydan TV about the event.

“A little while earlier we had been told that the offices had been sold at an auction to a local resident. However, the parties did not vacate the premises. Over the past few days, a wave of repression gained strength in Sheki, and members of the local APFP branch and leaders of the youth branch were arrested. And then today they demanded that the local branches of the parties leave the building. Alongside the arrests, this move provides a basis to say that the actions of the local administration are politically motivated”.

Hajili further added that Musavat Party has appealed the sale of the offices to the court and that they intend to disseminate statements concerning the actions of local authorities in this matter.

Musavat Party member Elman Fattah who was present in Sheki at the time told Meydan TV that the event took place unexpectedly and that APFP members were in the building at that moment.

Fattah also stated that the local Musavat party branch initiated court proceedings against the local administration:

“The recent arrests provide a basis for proving that this is not a coincidence, this is repression and the process is being directed by the deputy head of the executive authorities [of Sheki].”

The Sheki municipal administration could not be reached by phone.

The regional office of the State Committee on Property Issues located in Sheki told Meydan TV that the building where the parties’ offices are located belonged to the Building Authority. Then it was transformed into a stock company and privatized:

“Several times the APFP and Musavat leadership were invited to the local office, where they were informed that the building had been privatized and should be vacated. Municipal authorities can give detailed information in regards to today’s events.”

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