Aydin Khudiyev was arrested in 2015 on charges under Article 216 of the Criminal Code (knowingly giving false information about terrorism). He was sentenced a year later to seven years in prison by the Grave Crimes Court, and was pardoned in March 2021. Khudiyev has now reported to Meydan TV that he was tortured in Prison No. 6.
Khudiyev submitted a complaint to Prosecutor General Kamran Aliyev, stating that on 18 June 2016, after his verdict, he was searched in Prison No. 6. During the search, Khudiyev claims that Jeyhun Hasanov, a penetentiary worker, took 175 manats from his bag and put him in a cell with another prisoner.
"At dinner around 7 pm, I asked Jeyhun Hasanov to return my money, but he did not return it. That's why I told the incident to Major Shabanov on duty. This was a tragedy for me. After that, my days of severe physical and mental suffering began. Shortly afterwards, Jeyhun Hasanov entered the cell where I was detained and began to torture me, an intellectual of his father's age. He kept punching and slapping me in the face. This torture took place in the presence of another prisoner. I shouted for help, but no one helped. The next day, I informed Ali Amirov, the head of Prison No. 6, about the incident, but he did not consider my complaint."
According to Aydin Khudiyev, he later asked Jeyhun Hasanov again to return his money
“But Hasanov reminded me that he had tortured me and demanded that I not ask for money again. When I told him I would complain to the management, he said he would take revenge on me. On 9 July 2018, Jeyhun Hasanov again put me in a cell, handcuffed me to the iron parts of my bed, and inflicted heavy blows on my face and abdomen. As a result of the handcuffs squeezing my right arm, my blood circulation weakened and a thrombosis formed in my veins. It caused me unbearable pain. Seeing that I was already in a deadly situation, I asked Jeyhun Hasanov to open the handcuffs on my arms. However, he became even angrier and continued to torture me. It was as if he wanted me to die. I fainted from the severe, unbearable torture. Upon learning of this incident, the new head of the institution released me from the penitentiary."
Aydin Khudiyev noted that there were no surveillance cameras in the penitentiary where he was tortured: “The lack of cameras creates favorable conditions for the prison staff to commit illegal acts. After all this, the management of the Penitentiary Service was informed. For certain reasons I do not know, Jeyhun Hasanov was dismissed from Prison No. 6 on the administration's order, and then his rank was reduced and he was sent to Prison No. 9.
Aydin Khudiyev says his his health suffered as a result of severe torture in prison.
“Especially on my right arm, there are still traces of torture. The medical certificate issued by the head of the penitentiary service of the Penitentiary Service, Major Aziz Salmanov, also mentioned the physical injuries inflicted on me as a result of severe torture. As a result of torture, I was diagnosed with varicose veins of the superficial veins of the right arm, curvature of the nasal septum, kidney disease, left groin hernia, exacerbation of chronic hepatocholecystitis. I am still receiving outpatient and inpatient treatment for injuries resulting from torture and severe physical harm! However, despite this, Jeyhun Hasanov went unpunished. It is inadmissible for anyone who ignores the requirements of the law to remain in the justice system. Mr. Prosecutor General, it is inadmissible for Jeyhun Hasanov to remain in the justice system due to such behavior. ”
In his complaint, Khudiyev, called on the prosecutor general to take actions against Hasanov, who he says should be removed from the justice system.