Azerbaijani Oil Loses 1.5% Value

The cost of Azeri LT CIF was 55.58 dollars per barrel as of April 19.

Mənbə: “”

The cost of Azeri LT CIF was 55.58 dollars per barrel as of April 19.

Today, the cost of a barrel of Azeri LT CIF Azeri oil on the world market fell by $0.86 or 1.52%.

At present, the cost of Azeri LT CIF brand oil is 55.58 dollars per barrel.

The minimum price for Azeri LT CIF was recorded in December 2001  at 19.15 dollars, the maximum in July 2008 at 149.66 dollars.

ГлавнаяNewsAzerbaijani Oil Loses 1.5% Value