Investigative journalist Khadjia Ismayilova lost power to her home shortly before the start of a European Parliament panel discussion on human rights in Brussels today which she was due to address via Skype.
Ismayilova lost power towards 4 p.m. Baku time, while the panel was due to start half an hour later, she reported on Facebook.
“First, they cut off my internet at home. Then they cut off the power. Then both Azercell and Bakcell internet stopped providing mobile internet. There was a car with a radar dish not far from my house outside…”
Fortunately, a friend was able to provide her with access to the internet at a different location in time for her address.
Ismayilova was recently released from prison on May 26, 2016 after a Baku court decided to commute a 7.5 year sentence handed down in September of 2015.
Ismayilova’s arrest was condemned by OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatovic and numerous international organizations, claiming that the charges against her were political in nature.
She was unable to leave the country for the event because of a current travel ban on her passport, against which her multiple appeals have been dismissed.